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About me

Hey, I am Ye, Suxiong, a front-end developer. Here is my cat🐱, ε—η“œ /nan gua/.

I like building collaborative experiences, interactive articles, and open-source projects. Working at Citi.

I live in the China, and have a passion for learning, and discovering facts about the world. If you happen to be in the same city I live (currently in Shanghai), maybe we can hang out and code together.

I join the activities of volunteers actively. And I joined Running in the Dark recently. Running in the Dark is a non-profit organization that aims to help disability out of their hourse, change society's prejudice and discrimination against disabled groups.If you are interested, welcome to join us !

πŸ“± Find me on GitHub, Twitter, Linkedin.

πŸ“« Mail me at suxiong1998@gmail.

πŸ’» Chat with the community at my Discord Server.

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Light tomorrow with today.